
 plan a day-cation

Here. we. are. week 9. In the final stretch of the dog days of summer. {ever wonder why we call it that? it comes from the rising of Sirius, the brightest star in the constellation canis major}. Our to-do lists are shifting to include pencils, lunch bags and backpacks. Before we get consumed by what’s ahead in September, let’s linger here in summer just a little bit longer. And celebrate. How? In a sweet small way. A secret-ish get away. Not a full-blown vacation that would require pet sitters and plant waterers, but something so subtle the neighbors will never know. But you? You will know, and remember, and be different after the day is done.

town or country? what have you always wanted to do in your city or its surrounds? You’ve lived here how long? And what are the things you’ve had on the back burner? The things you wanted to do but never managed to plan for? Today, dream it. Write them all out. Here’s how.

day-cation  planning

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